Prep at Coolnwynpin State School is so much fun! It is full of learning, talking, singing, creating, making and laughing about the things we love. Students will explore and discover our newly refurbished, contemporary Prep rooms.
Coolnwynpin Prep teachers are dedicated to providing your child with the best possible, quality education to develop Literacy and Numeracy skills and help children learn about the world around them. We place great importance on developing confidence and self-esteem of each of our students by providing an engaging and supportive learning environment.
At Coolnwynpin we encourage our Preppies to thrive and embrace every opportunity to be independent and grow. It is an exciting time!
As teachers, children and their families come to know each other, strong bonds form and a sense of unity and family develops.
Click on the links to review the school's Enrolment Management Plan together with our catchment map.
Now taking in catchment and out of catchment enrolments for 2025Parents with children born between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020 are warmly invited to contact our school to register their interest in enrolling their child in our 2025 Prep program. If unsure if your child is eligible please check the
Queensland Government's Enrolment and Preparation Site.
To learn more about our 2025 Prep intake please
contact us today.